Legal Counsel & Technical Solutions

Our Services are today fully integrated from the Legal and Technical component, attended by an interdisciplinary team, which is adapted to the interests and/or projects of our clients, based on the experience and capacity of the Consultancy, complying with a high degree of satisfaction and success in services.

Legal Counsel & Technical Solutions

Alternative Dispute Resolution

We belive that the agreements and pacts that can be entered into in a legal business must always be analyzed from the perspective of economy, agility and justice. For this reason, we direct our efforts to the search and generation of the best conditions that lead to our clients, avoiding greater expenses and time in litigation processes before the ordinary or administrative channels. The firm has the capacity and experience to provide the best legal and technical tools that lead to the culmination of an agreement, conciliation or transaction favorable to the interests of our clients.

- Mediation: We seek and find settlement formulas that are efficient for conflict resolution, before promoting any legal action.

- Conciliation: The firm optimizes this tool, with the experience of our professionals, for the benefit of our clients interests.

- Transaction: We have the ability to amicably negotiate arrangements that are fast and efficient to provide an out-of-court solution to disputes that may arise.

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Servicios Legal Counsel & Technical Solutions